International Wine Tourism Fair consolidates its specialised, global model

The third edition of FINE, the International Wine Tourism Fair, has confirmed the success of its model focused on specialisation and content with a global scope. This event, held at Feria de Valladolid on 1 and 2 March, was characterised by the addition of new wineries and destinations and the return to an in-person format. Moreover, the experts who took part in the conference series predicted strong growth prospects for the wine tourism sector.

2022-12-14T16:04:06+01:0010 March 2022|

La Feria de Valladolid celebrerà a marzo la terza edizione di FINE, Salone Internazionale del contracting specializzato nell’enoturismo

FINE AND THE SPANISH CONFEDERATION OF TRAVEL AGENCIES RENEW THEIR COLLABORATION AGREEMENT Organizzata dalla Fiera di Valladolid, FINE #WineTourismExpo, Salone Internazionale e market place di reclutamento specializzato nel settore dell’enoturismo,  celebrerà la sua terza edizione il 1 e 2 marzo 2022. FINE #WineTourismExpo è un evento [...]

2021-12-21T13:24:10+01:0021 December 2021|

FINE and the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies renew their collaboration agreement

FINE AND THE SPANISH CONFEDERATION OF TRAVEL AGENCIES RENEW THEIR COLLABORATION AGREEMENT Feria de Valladolid and the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies (CEAV) have renewed the collaboration agreement they signed in 2019 to publicise and promote FINE #WineTourismExpo, the international wine tourism fair, which will be held in its third edition on 1 [...]

2021-12-16T11:45:05+01:0016 December 2021|

In its third edition, FINE takes on the challenge of expanding its international participation

FINE, the International Wine Tourism Fair, held a special edition on 9 and 10 June, marking the start of the new season after the pandemic, characterised by an increase in exhibitors and a work agenda of more than 2,000 scheduled meetings between the hundred or so participating wineries, hotels and regions and the buyers from 16 countries. This represents a 42 per cent increase compared to the first edition of the event.

2021-06-28T09:09:18+02:0028 June 2021|

Buyers from 17 countries to take part in FINE, Valladolid’s International Wine Tourism Fair

FINE, the International Wine Tourism Fair, will be taking place in Valladolid on 9th and 10th June. This event, designed for professionals, will be attended by more than 75 buyers specialised in the wine tourism segment from 17 countries in Europe, Asia, Oceania and America, who will be meeting with wineries, wine routes and accommodation options.

2021-05-21T14:48:20+02:0021 May 2021|
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