The Ministry of Economy grants FINE #WineTourism Marketplace full internationality

FINE’s global vocation has been endorsed by the granting of “full internationality” status by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise. In addition to customs benefits for international participants, inclusion in this trade fair category is recognition of the quality of the event, the positive progress made in recent editions and the support of the sector.

This support is evidenced by the involvement of private companies, professional organizations and public institutions without which the development of FINE would not be possible. Valladolid City Council, the Provincial Council, Turespaña, professional organizations such as the Spanish Wine Federation, the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies and the pioneering wineries: Protos, Dehesa de los Canónigos and Abadía Retuerta, in addition to the Ferrer Miranda Group and Bodegas Alvear, are all necessary collaborators in the consolidation of FINE as an enotourism reference for professionals.